Sunday, 9 March 2014

Want, Need, Wear, Read.

So, with the start of another month, and a few days to go for me until payday, here is my wishlist. It's categorised into something I want, something I need, something to wear and something to read sections. Hope you enjoy!

Want: Glowing, illuminated skin (who doesn't?) and I have been mourning the loss of my beloved Rose Gold Highlighter by Jemma Kidd, ever since her line finished. I just haven't been able to find a replacement. I've watched a few beauty tutorials lately where the Living Luminizer by RMS Beauty has been raved about. This creamy, sheer product is meant to leave your skin with that perfect dewy glow on any areas you want to highlight without leaving you looking like a glitterball. I am desperate to give it a try! 

Need: This one is pretty dull but it's true. I need an alarm clock! Just now I use my phone and always find it too tempting to stay up watching make up tutorials on YouTube, faffing about on Twitter/Instagram/Pinterest... and usually I end up staying awake way past planned with my brain whirring as I can't switch off. So, to combat this I'm determined to switch my phone off and get a proper alarm clock once and for all. This one is from Muji

 Wear: I'm craving crisp, nautical whites and blues now that Spring is supposedly here (hurry up and reach Scotland please!) So this gorgeous Zara bag caught my eye. I like the sleek shape and I'm a sucker for animal print. Love how it has a slightly 1980's feel to it when paired with white. 

Read: In a bid to wind down and relax before bed instead of feeding my social media addiction by checking my phone every few minutes (see above) I resolve to read more at bed time. I used to do it a lot when at uni (probably because as part of my degree I had to read a lot!) but sadly, this has fallen by the wayside a bit. I keep hearing great things about John Green's "The Fault in Our Stars" so this is next on my book shopping list. 



  1. Hey Love I've nominated you for The Liebster Award - go take a look


  2. That is an interesting looking clock. a bit quirky : )
    Hey cool post. * follower, love it if you followed me.
    Renee x

    1. Thanks! I'll be sure to check out your blog x

  3. I really have clothes craving at the moment, trying so hard not to indulge! I like the bag you picked

    1. :) it's hard not to give into the shopping cravings! X

  4. You have so interesting Blog! Maybe want follow each other? If yes, just follow me, and i follow you back :)

  5. Mind blowing blog! love it if you followed me.
    flowing skirts


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